17 Anglos qui ont réagi à la sortie de Marc-Antoine Dequoy: «Gardez-le votre anglais!»
Adam Bourbonnière (Le Sac de Chips)
Le discours de victoire de Marc-Antoine Dequoy après la conquête de la Coupe Grey, dans lequel il pointe du doigt le non-respect du français par la CFL et les médias anglophones, a énormément fait réagir au Québec.
Plusieurs étaient amusés et tout à fait d’accord avec le joueur vedette des Alouettes.
• À lire aussi: «BEN GARDEZ-LE VOTRE ANGLAIS»: les réactions à la sortie de Dequoy sont hilarantes
• À lire aussi: 8 tweets qui prouvent que les Alouettes sont en délire sur les réseaux sociaux depuis leur victoire
On ne peut pas dire la même chose pour nos amis anglophones. Comme vous pouvez l’imaginer, le numéro 24 ne s’est pas fait beaucoup d’amis dans le reste du pays dimanche soir.
Plusieurs ont d’ailleurs fortement réagi sur les réseaux sociaux, entre colère et agacement:
Frenchie still can't enjoy winning the grey cup without making it about the French language...no one cares now imagine if quebec separates how no one will give 2 fcks...
— Dividendstockjunkie (@bobbybruins79) November 20, 2023
This is the problem with Quebec. Just because you speak French doesn’t mean the rest of the country does. Obviously TSN will have this broadcast in English. Obviously the attendees of the grey cup will be speaking English in Hamilton, Ontario https://t.co/tBVSU4oA4s
— Steve Buzinski 2.0 (@lazyhockeyguy2) November 20, 2023
Quebec has French only signs for road and construction signs. I'd argue that's a safety issue and a much bigger deal than what happened at the Grey cup.
— Edna Garrett (@WatchMyReview) November 20, 2023
Buddy one province has it as primary language calm down
— TB (@Tbrown3434) November 20, 2023
Grey cup winner raging about how the league ignored the French speakers and only advertised in English… sorry bahd 95% of the country can’t understand a single word you just said!
— Nick (@NickZthe2nd) November 20, 2023
Do you not see the irony in what you just said?
— kwoff (@Yote66) November 20, 2023
This grey cup game was played in Ontario - an English speaking province.
So it’s okay to belittle English speakers in Quebec, but it’s not okay to do the same to French speakers in Ontario?
go congratulate any French person you know, winning the grey cup is a big deal to them
— Jordy Smokes (@FranklynOcean) November 20, 2023
Wanna play the game, keep French in QC, also let English back into your province and maybe just maybe you wont get mocked either. You lost the war guys, remember 1763. Yup I did.
— Darrell Patan 🇺🇦 Ask Me For My Email (@OLDUKIEDUDE) November 20, 2023
'Keep your English,' yells Montreal Alouettes player after winning Grey Cup https://t.co/BejxzzK6fz
Wanna play the game, keep French in QC, also let English back into your province and maybe just maybe you wont get mocked either. You lost the war guys, remember 1763. Yup I did.
— Darrell Patan 🇺🇦 Ask Me For My Email (@OLDUKIEDUDE) November 20, 2023
'Keep your English,' yells Montreal Alouettes player after winning Grey Cup https://t.co/BejxzzK6fz
• À lire aussi: «Doctorat en entrevue d’après-match»: les Carabins changent la fiche de joueur de Marc-Antoine Dequoy
• À lire aussi: «Marc-Antoine Dequoy n’a pas à être désolé»: PSPP explique pourquoi le joueur des Alouettes a eu raison de péter sa coche
D’autres ont plutôt reconnu être en accord avec les propos du Québécois:
This video was done in May with Alouettes players and their coach Jason Maas, talking about how the team embraced Montreal and Quebec culture and how players had to learn to say their numbers in French. It's pretty cool. Now they're Grey Cup champions. Bravo! https://t.co/OWMSEptD9b
— Stu Cowan (@StuCowan1) November 20, 2023
As an anglophone from Hamilton, I fucking love this and I’m so happy Montreal won this game! Being a long time CFL fan, I can tell you there’s so many French Canadian players throughout the league and obviously that’s our second language across the country https://t.co/1wPcnzaZSr
— Brendan (@sergiboobtitsky) November 20, 2023
Reading the quote tweets on this from anglos, I don’t think they realize they are literally proving his point that the rest of Canada doesn’t care about French or Quebec. No need to get angry at him when you’re proving him right. Not great for national “unity”. https://t.co/vqVb9pmjYr
— HFTV (@HFTVSports) November 20, 2023
Yea the lack or minimal display of French language in a national championship was embarrassing & a major gaffe by the grey cup organizers. Just having the bilingual grey cup Hamilton logo on the field & stands would have gone a long way.
— Tigertown104 (@tigertown104) November 20, 2023
100% this
— Berg on a Wire (@JayEhSon) November 20, 2023
Forget politics, it's bad business to have bare minimal French in a Grey Cup featuring Montreal
We live in a world where we have NHL broadcasts in Punjabi
I'm not saying the CFL must mimic that but they could feature more French if they know Francophones are watching
But if that's the case, then why did the CFL do nothing in french, they had to change the anthem last minute because of criticism. He's not mad at anglos, he's mad at the CFL and TSN for not including french in an unity event like the Grey Cup. You should actually agree with him.
— AngrySomeone (@Angrysomeone86) November 20, 2023
I agree and I'm anglophone. As an example, when the Alouettes won the Grey Cup they should have had someone from on stage RDS announcing in french the championship, not James Duthie. Even Mark Cohon (though very broken french) tried.
— Graham Sucha (@grahamsucha) November 20, 2023
Malgré tous ces mots négatifs envers le message de Dequoy, reste que c’est lui qui tient la Coupe Grey (en français s’il vous plaît) au bout de ses bras cette année.
«Gardez-le votre anglais!»